

Recognizing the signs of his times, and the signs of the times to come, al-Haddad observed how people were drawing away from religion, and produced a clear, concise, and uncontroversial text to establish with his readers the firmest foundations of faith and certainty.

al-Ghazālī elaborates upon the categories of knowledge and practice and discusses blameworthy characteristics, from which it is necessary for one to purify oneself, and praiseworthy characteristics, with which it is important for one to adorn oneself.

The lower self of man tends to bring him down into arrogance and vice, distracted by the affairs of the world. In this translation of two chapter from al-Ghazālī’s Revival of the Religious Sciences, the author discusses how man can cultivate good character and how he can prevent himself from giving into his desires.

Ibn Qudāmah, in this work, discusses the importance of repentance, patience, hope, fear, and remembrance, and how they should all be balanced in the process of seeking closeness to Allāh.

Discusses briefly the excellence of knowledge, wisdoms behind acts such as purification, prayer, and pilgrimage, along with the etiquettes that should be upheld with the Qur’ān and other matters related to supplication, and lays out how an individual can become closer to Allāh.

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