
An introduction to the Sciences and the principles of Ḥadīth for those with no prior exposure to the subject.

Dehlavī’s work, like Zubairī’s, is primarily dedicated to those with little to no exposure to the Ḥadīth Sciences, but unlike the latter’s work, it introduces readers to concepts and terminologies that are incredibly important and are frequently employed in the subject.

Discusses Uṣūl al-Ḥadīth briefly without employing a litany of technical terminologies, and provides a brief overview of the lives and works of a number of prominent Muḥaddithīn.

Discusses the history of the Aḥadīth briefly, how the concept of the Isnād came to be, how the Aḥadīth were recorded, some of the stringent methodologies that were employed by the scholars to determine the veracity of a narration, and refutes some of the aspersions that are cast upon the authenticity of Ḥadīth literature.

As the title conveys, the book discusses the Sunnah and why and how it plays an important role in Islāmic Legislation. It discusses the lives of some of the prominent Muḥaddithīn, and refutes aspersions that are cast upon either the knowledge or character of some of the most important Fuqahā’ or the Muḥaddithīn of the Ahl as-Sunnah.