
The Creed Made Easy is a concise and accessible bilingual treatise in Islamic theology, introducing the reader to all fundamental aspects of the Islamic creed that are necessary for a Muslim to know and believe. Set in Arabic and English side by side, it facilitates the path for the student to seek knowledge in what is the most important science of Islam.

The Creed of Imam al-Dardir, also known as the Tawhidiyya, was written with the purpose of reviving the core of the Islamic creed in the minds of common Muslims. Its succinct text, easily memorized, captures the essential points of creed that every Muslim is obligated to believe in.

The Beneficial Message: The Definitive Proof In The Study Of Theology (Risala an-Nafi’a wa Hujatul Qadi’a fi ‘Ilm at-Tawhid) – A detailed work on Islamic Creed. The layout of this publication presents the Arabic text of Risala an-Nafi’a wa Hujatul Qadi’a fi ‘Ilm at-Tawhid immediately followed by its translation into English. Generally, after the English translation, supplementary notes have been translated and added from various other sources from Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jam’a.