Islāmic History and Politics

Briefly discusses the stories of the Prophets as they are found in the Qur’ān and the Aḥadīth.

Covers Islāmic History very briefly starting from pre-Islāmic Arabia, extending to the Caliphates of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, the Golden Ages, the development of the Arts and Sciences under Islāmic Rule in al-Andalus, and concluding with the decline of Muslim rule.

This comprehensive study of the life of the first Rightly-Guided Caliph, based on the era immediately after the Prophet’s death, details the many challenges he faced as successor. The methodology adopted by Abu Bakr to overcome obstacles and allow Islam to bask in everlasting glory holds many valuable lessons for the Muslims of today.

This book describes, among other things, the principles based upon which ‘Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb (Radi Allah Anh) governed the Muslims during his caliphate; among those principles were mutual consultation, justice, equality among people, and honoring of freedoms.

Provides a more detailed introduction, compared to Zubairī’s work, to the Qur’ān, the concepts of abrogation, the Aḥruf and the Qirā’āt, and covers the Science of Tafsīr.

This is the fourth book in studying the reign of the Rightly Guided Caliphs. It relates the life of the Leader of the Believers, ‘Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, from birth until his martyrdom. The book relates with detail how he came to Islam and his most important actions in Makkah, his migration to Madinah, his life in Madinah, his campaigns and battles alongside the Messenger of Allah, his life during the era of Rightly Guided Caliphs and his swearing of allegiance and his period of Caliphate.

The book aims to correct misconceptions about Islāmic Law, first by providing a brief account of its history, and then by discussing what happened in the last two centuries that has warped perceptions of it.