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Prophetic Wisdom: Life of Ādam (عليه السلام)

August 28, 2022

Introduction From the inception of the human race, Allāh (ﷻ) appointed Prophets—who, being sinless, are to be imitated in the smallest of matters—to deliver His (ﷻ) message to the people so that they may be guided. The Qurʾān frequently recounts the stories of these perfect individuals to remind the people of the Hereafter, the importance […]

Necessity of Following a Madhab

August 21, 2022

This is an abridgment, summary, and translation1 of the fatwa of Imām Muhammad ʿIllīsh al-Mālikī2 on the abandonment of the four madhāhib3—in other words a refutation of the ghayr-muqallidīn4 group and others who neglect taking jurisdiction from (true) scholars directly5 and the necessity of following a madhab. The translated passage of the fatwā has been […]

Who are the Ashʿarīs & Māturīdīs?

August 18, 2022

The Muslims world had expanded significantly during the Caliphates of the Rāshidūn, with having conquered Byzantine and Sassanid territories during the time of ʿUmar (رضي الله عنه), and entered North Africa and expanded further North into Azerbaijan during the reign of ʿUthmān (رضي الله عنه). The conquests had been carried out on quite large scales […]

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