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Differences between Sunnis and Twelvers

December 23, 2022

Creedal Differences between the Sunnis and Twelvers Notwithstanding the differences between the Ahl al-Sunnah and the Shīʿas, the article intends to highlight some of the fundamental differences between the Sunnīs and the Twelver Shīʿas (Ithnā ʿAshariyyah) in creed, and expand upon those beliefs briefly. Note that this article does not contain a refutation of Shīʿī […]

Reason and the Purification of Intentions

December 20, 2022

A child may dislike the prospect of receiving a vaccine, for what he fears is a needle passing through his skin, unaware and uncaring of the benefits that he will be receiving due to it. We may as well be in the position of the child with respect to Allāh, the difference being that His […]

Introduction to Tasawwuf

October 31, 2022

Introduction While the term dīn refers to a way of life, linguistically, its connotations include those of indebtedness, submission, and the fiṭrah. It is the quality of a believer that he should strive to emulate the Prophet (ﷺ) in even the most minute of matters, and such requires one to cognize his indebtedness, and submit […]

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