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The article is a translation of Abū Yaʿlā’s treatise, taken from Majmū Rasāʾil, concerning the Fiqh of lying and the judgments that apply to the liar. Biography [The following biography of Qāḍī Abī Yaʿlā has been summarized from his biography provided in the Dār al-Īlāfī al-Ḥawliyyah edition of Ibṭāl al-Taʾwīlāt li-Akhbār al-Ṣifāt.] Al-Imām al-ʿAllāmah Shaykh […]

The term dīn is not understood in our Tradition as the term religion is throughout Western religious history, but rather carries four primary significations: (1) indebtedness; (2) submissiveness; (3) judicious power; (4) natural inclination or tendency.1 This article aims to discuss some of the concepts regarding love and suffering that often comes as a consequence […]

Introduction The importance of learning ʿaqīdah (Islamic creedal and theological beliefs, as well as the evidence and rational/scriptural arguments in support of them) need not be restated for those familiar with the Islamic tradition. The Ahl al-Sunnah (leaving out any non-fundamental, detailed discussions or disagreements that may have occurred among them)—or Sunnīs—have agreed upon particular […]
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