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Being generally taboo, the topic of suicide is not discussed seriously, let alone extensively, in the Muslim world. The causes are often predictable and understandable, but are nevertheless rejected or treated lightly, despite such concerns being only on the rise in the Muslim world. The article at hand intends not only to provide an overview […]

It is recommended to read the previous piece, as this article builds thereupon. The term ḥubb possesses the term khamr (wine) as a synonym1, and khamr, in turn, was referred to as Umm Laylā by the Arabs. Laylā, in this context, refers to ecstasy and intoxication, and umm is present due to its induction of […]

The impacts of colonization and secularization were not restricted to destabilizing nations, threatening social structures, and coercing certain ideologies and corrupting existing ones, but are reflected in the fundamentals of our worldviews as well. While we have not altogether abandoned our ideals and metaphysics, it is impossible to overlook the abyss left therein due to […]
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